Writing Rules

Journal of Sport, Health and Education Research is a peer-reviewed journal published primarily online four times a year.

Manuscripts sent to the journal should not be reviewed in another journal(s).

The first page of the article should contain the following information.

The title of the article should be in Turkish and English, in Cambira 14 point font.

The name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s) should be in Cambira 12 Font size (Initials of the Author's Name are Capital and Surname Letters are all Capital).

Open Researcher and Contributor ID ( ORCID ) for each author.

contact information of the corresponding author(s),

The abstract of the article should contain a 250-word summary in English and Turkish.

Keywords: (Must be between 3 and 5 words) Keywords title should be 9 point font and bold.

Main Headings Cambira should be 12 point bold.

Interlinear should be 1.5 lines and Cambira should be 11 points.

In-text reference reference (Surname and year should be written. If there is more than one author, the author's surname and year should be written.

References should be written according to APA.

Please find the Article Template and Copyright Form in the Author guide Forms and Templates section.