
Organisational Communication Factors Affecting Organisational Communication in Schools

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  • Nese Avanos Elazığ Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
  • Bayram SEVİM Elazığ MEB, Şehit Vedat Kılınçaslan İlkokulu Yazıkonak


Educational Institutions, Communication, Organisational communication, Barriers to communication


There are many factors that directly and indirectly affect student success in educational institutions. Since educational organization’s are human-intensive, the process in schools takes place through person-to-person interaction. The quality of mutual relations between people is also affected by the quality of communication in the organization. Communication is a multiple process as it is necessary to achieve organizational goals. Continuous growth of organization’s, complexity of management, specialization and technological developments are the main factors that increase the importance of communication in organizations. The main purpose of organizational communication is to achieve organizational goals. Effective management in organizations depends on a good communication process. In line with the aim of this study, organizational communication and barriers to communication in schools were tried to be determined and suggestions were presented. Both school administrators and teachers need to have communication skills in order to create a positive atmosphere in educational institutions, to ensure coordination, to adapt to change, to make effective decisions, to carry out plans and programmes efficiently, to make evaluations correctly and to improve performance. The current conditions and also the communication between school administrators and teachers should be continuous. Without good communication between school administrators and teachers, tasks cannot be fulfilled, school goals cannot be achieved and decisions cannot be implemented.

Keywords; Educational Institutions, Communication, Organisational communication, Barriers to communication


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How to Cite

Avanos, N., & SEVİM, B. (2024). Organisational Communication Factors Affecting Organisational Communication in Schools. Journal of Sports, Health and Education Research, 3(2), 67–76. Retrieved from