
Nature Sports And Tourism Potential In Elaziğ Province

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Nature Sports, Elazığ, Mountaineering, Tourism


The aim of our study is to reveal the nature sports and tourism potential in the province of Elazig. In terms of hosting many activities, nature sports include many activities that make people feel peaceful and happy. Spending time in nature as a leisure activity, doing activities is beneficial for the person herself. Skiing, trekking, paragliding, boat tours are nature sports made using materials in many ways. Nature sports are performed in Elazig province. In this study, Elazig province is being researched within the scope of touristic places and nature sports. In the creation of the scientific aspect of the study, the data of Elazig Provincial Tourism Directorate, articles and anecdotes published in the written and visual media were used.
A general feasibility study was carried out using the findings and available facilities, and the differences in this area were tried to be revealed by considering the situation of Elazig province in this area.


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How to Cite

Dayi, V., & TEL, M. (2024). Nature Sports And Tourism Potential In Elaziğ Province. Journal of Sports, Health and Education Research, 3(2), 11–19. Retrieved from

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