An Investigation of University Students' Postgraduate Education Awareness and Intention According to Some Variables

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Graduate Education, Graduate Education Awareness, Graduate Education Intention


Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate various variables that may affect university students' level of awareness about graduate education and their intention to pursue graduate education. Method: In the study, in which quantitative research methodology was used, a descriptive survey model was chosen. The sample for the research consists of 459 students studying at the Faculty of Sports Sciences of Bingöl University. In the research, personal information forms, the "Graduate Education Awareness Scale" and the "Graduate Education Intention Scale," were used to collect data.Findings: It has been determined that there is a significant difference in students' perceptions of postgraduate education awareness according to their grade point averages, and this difference is in favor of students with high grade point averages. Another finding is that there is a significant difference in the perceptions of postgraduate education awareness and postgraduate education intention compared to postgraduate thought, and this difference is in favor of those who are considering doing a master's degree. It was found that there was a significant difference in students' perceptions of postgraduate education awareness according to the sector to be studied, and the difference was high in favor of those who thought about being academicians. A positive, strong, and statistically significant relationship was found between students' awareness of graduate education and their intention to pursue graduate education (r = 0.695; p<0.01). It is seen that students' postgraduate education awareness has a positive and significant effect on their postgraduate education intentions. Conclusion: According to the results obtained, it was concluded that individuals who want to work as academicians, who want to do a master's degree, and who have good grade point averages are more conscious of and willing to pursue graduate education.


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How to Cite

ÇİFTÇİ, İsa. (2023). An Investigation of University Students’ Postgraduate Education Awareness and Intention According to Some Variables. Journal of Sports, Health and Education Research, 2(1), 42–56. Retrieved from