Examination of Secondary School 10th Grade Students' Attitudes Towards Physical Education Lesson

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Secondary Education, Attitude, Scale, Physical Education and Sports Less


This study was conducted with the aim of examining the attitudes of students taking physical education and sports courses in secondary schools towards physical education lessons. The demographic factors that are effective in physical education lessons and the effects of characteristics such as their approaches to sports and sports habits on students' physical education attitudes were also included in the scope of the research. The survey form, which is the collection tool, consists of two parts. The first part consists of a personal information form, and the second part consists of an attitude scale towards physical education. Our research survey was applied to 200 10th grade students studying in secondary education institutions in Silvan district of Diyarbakır province. IBM SPSS 26.0 package program was used to analyze the data. As a result of the research; No significant differences were found between the gender factor of 10th grade secondary school students' attitudes towards Physical Education course. Students who are on the school team or do active sports have higher attitudes towards the lesson than students who do not. Students' attitudes are independent of the factors such as mother and father's occupational status and number of siblings. As the habit of exercising outside of school increases, students' attitudes towards the lesson increase. As a result, it is thought that the higher attitude levels of students who participate in out-of-school sports activities towards physical education lesson than students who do not participate in out-of-school sports activities are due to the fact that they engage in regular physical activity outside of school and participate in exercise and sports activities.


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How to Cite

Kavuran, K., KIZAR, O., & KURT, Ömer. (2023). Examination of Secondary School 10th Grade Students’ Attitudes Towards Physical Education Lesson. Journal of Sports, Health and Education Research, 2(1), 95–104. Retrieved from https://ssedergisi.com/index.php/sse/article/view/25