Classic Conditioning And Consequences for Sports Education

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Spor, Sports Training, Classical Conditioning


Human behaviors are shaped by being under the influence of these stimuli in an environment where there are many external stimuli. In this context, the behavior of human beings as a social creature and the formation process of these behaviors are also important for the creation of more developed and civilized societies. At this point, classical conditioning theory, which is included in the behaviorist movement, appears as a theory that examines how human behaviors are shaped. Considering the place and importance of sports in the development process of children and young people, it is possible to see sports training as an application area for classical conditioning. In this study; It has been observed that coaches and trainers use classical conditioning as a means of education and achievement while giving sports education and in the environments where sports are practiced. As a result, classical conditioning can be used as a tool in creating a more developed and more successful society in terms of sport.


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How to Cite

AYKIN, A. G., DEVECİ, A., Ömer, & Karatuğ, M. (2023). Classic Conditioning And Consequences for Sports Education. Journal of Sports, Health and Education Research, 2(1), 22–28. Retrieved from