Investıgatıon Of Rısky Health Behavıors Of People Engaged In Bodybuıldıng Sports

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Female athlete, Male athlete, Risky health behaviors, Bodybuilding


Aim It was aimed to examine the risky health behaviors of individuals who do bodybuilding sports. Material Method: It was carried out in accordance with the descriptive survey model. While the population of the research consists of individuals who do bodybuilding sports in various gyms operating in Diyarbakır; The sample consisted of a total of 528 male and female athletes, aged between 18-36 (years), who wanted to participate in the research voluntarily, registered in these halls, and actively engaged in bodybuilding for at least 1 year. As a data collection tool in the research; Personal Data Collection Form and Risky Health Behaviors Scale (RSSS) were used. Results: 69.3% of the individuals participating in the study are men and 30.7% are women. The highest participation was made by individuals in the 18-22 age category with 44.9%, and the lowest participation was made by individuals 38 and over with 1.3%. When the marital status of the participating individuals was examined, it was determined that 25% (132) of the 528 people were married, and the remaining 75% (396) individuals were single. Discussion: The psychosocial, physical activity, substance use sub-dimension and risky health behaviors total score averages of male students were higher than female students. In other studies in the literature, it was found that the psychosocial, hygiene, substance use sub-dimension and risky health behaviors total score averages of boys were statistically significantly higher than that of girls. Conclusion: In this study, in which the risky health behaviors of individuals who do bodybuilding sports were examined, the psychosocial, physical activity, substance use sub-dimension and risky health behaviors total score averages of male students were found to be higher than female students.


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How to Cite

Gözaçık, Y., Mimaroğlu, R., & Ayhan, S. (2022). Investıgatıon Of Rısky Health Behavıors Of People Engaged In Bodybuıldıng Sports. Journal of Sports, Health and Education Research, 1(2), 36–46. Retrieved from