The Investigation of the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Exhaustion Perceptıons of Special Educatıon Teachers

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Special education teachers, Occupational burnout, Job satisfaction


This study aims to examine job satisfaction and professional burnout levels of special education teachers in terms of demographic variables by examining the concept and effects of job satisfaction and professional burnout.

"Maslach Burnout Scale" and "Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale" were used to determine the burnout level of special education teachers. In the research, the data obtained through the questionnaire application was obtained through the Google form application. SPSS 25.0 programme was used for statistical analysis of the data obtained.

It was determined that the occupational burnout level of special education teachers was high and job satisfaction was at medium level.  According to the results found regarding the professional burnout level and job satisfaction of special education teachers; it was determined that the burnout level of special education teachers increased as the age, years of service, number of students increased, the income level increased and the burnout level decreased, and the burnout level of teachers teaching in public schools decreased. It was determined that job satisfaction of special education teachers decreased as age, years of service and number of students increased, and job satisfaction of married teachers and special education institution teachers was higher.   A moderate negative relationship was found between the professional burnout level of special education teachers and their job satisfaction. 

Keywords: Special education teachers, Occupational burnout, Job satisfaction


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How to Cite

YILDIZ, Özcan, SAİM, S., & SARAÇ, N. (2024). The Investigation of the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Exhaustion Perceptıons of Special Educatıon Teachers. Journal of Sports, Health and Education Research, 3(1), 42–56. Retrieved from