
Removing the Obstacles to the Conformity of Syrian Students

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Syria, High school students, education, integration, teacher, administrator


The aim of the study is to eliminate the problems of education and training of Syrian students who came to our country due to the war and to take necessary measures to ensure their adaptation. A literature study was conducted to gather information about Syrian students. In the light of this information, the number of Syrian students in our country has been determined. Questions were asked to our teachers about the problems of these students in the school and the answers to these questions were determined in which areas they had deficiencies. By making these determinations, by listening to the problems experienced by our teachers from themselves, the measures to be taken to solve the problem were determined. A qualitative study was carried out. In this survey, 8 questions were asked to answer online with teachers Google drive survey application. As a result of this survey, some findings have been reached about what kind of educational application will be carried out in our schools

Keywords: Syria, student, education, integration, teacher, administrator


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İnternet Kaynakları

K.1: Erkek, (34 Yaş);Türkçe öğretmeni

K.2: Kadın, (33 Yaş); Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmeni

K.3: Erkek, (38 Yaş); Matematik Öğretmeni

K.4: Erkek, (45 Yaş); Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi öğretmen

K.5: Kadın, (28 Yaş); İngilizce öğretmeni

K.6: Kadın, (42 Yaş); Fen Bilimleri öğretmeni



How to Cite

Kula, S., & KULA, S. (2024). Removing the Obstacles to the Conformity of Syrian Students. Journal of Sports, Health and Education Research, 3(1). Retrieved from